Éduc’alcool issues warning against combining alcohol and cannabis

The Éduc’alcool publication, “Alcohol and cannabis: a very bad combination,” warns users about the synergy that heightens the effects of both substances. This is an important concern that has not yet been raised in the public conversation since cannabis was legalized.

Éduc’alcool reminds users that the depressant effects of both alcohol and cannabis are amplified when the two are taken together. In particular, this affects judgement, reaction time and coordination, making it absolutely unadvisable to drive.

There are significant risks to using alcohol and cannabis together

It matters which is taken first

The new publication highlights the fact that the order in which products are consumed creates a different reaction within the body. The effects of cannabis can be more intense if a person drinks alcohol first, while the opposite occurs when cannabis is consumed before alcohol.

The scientific studies cited in the publication state that habitual cannabis smokers feel the dizzying effects of alcohol less intensely if they have not taken any drugs before drinking. In fact, a tolerance to cannabis also generates a tolerance to the effects of alcohol.

Scientists also point out that when it comes to driving, smoking one joint and having 40 mg of alcohol in your blood (half the legal limit) can feel the equivalent to a blood alcohol level of 80 mg or more. Remember, above all, that it is illegal to drive with the slightest trace of cannabis in the blood stream, whether drinking alcohol has occurred or not.

As for driving, all it takes is 40 mg of alcohol per 100 ml of blood (half the legal limit) and a single joint to produce the effects equivalent to a blood alcohol content of over .08. Most importantly, it is illegal to drive with even the slightest trace of cannabis in your blood, whether or not you have been drinking.

Alcohol + cannabis in a nutshell

  • It is a very bad idea to combine alcohol and cannabis.
  • Cannabis affects certain critical faculties and greatly heightens the effects of alcohol.
  • Alcohol and cannabis are absorbed differently, depending on the order in which they are consumed.
  • Drinking alcohol before smoking cannabis increases the level of THC in the blood, compared to when the same amount of cannabis is consumed without alcohol.
  • Not only does alcohol raise the level of THC higher than usual, but the THC is absorbed by the blood more quickly when alcohol is consumed first.
  • Cannabis affects the part of the brain stem that controls basic functions, such as nausea and vomiting. This can make the alcohol-cannabis mix particularly dangerous—even fatal.

It’s better to avoid combining alcohol and cannabis. But for those who choose to risk it, caution is advised.