Hubert Sacy stepping down as director general of Éduc’alcool at the end of the year
Montreal, November 18, 2021 – After more than three decades as head of Éduc’alcool, Hubert Sacy is stepping down on December 31 of this year.
The Board of Directors has expressed its deepest gratitude, noting “the outstanding work he has done at the helm of the organization and his exemplary dedication to its mission.”
“Hubert Sacy is an exceptional communicator. With his passion, his conviction, and his colourful yet always relevant words, he has succeeded in building and sustaining a relationship marked by respect and trust with Quebecers on the most delicate subject of their drinking. There is a very good reason why Éduc’alcool’s credibility stands at 95%1 today,” said Board Chair Richard Gagnon.
Gagnon believes that Éduc’alcool’s success is due in large part to the fact that Hubert Sacy has always chosen to appeal to people’s intelligence, presenting them with comprehensive, objective, persuasive scientific data, rather than moralizing or condescending. He has never lost sight of his credo—Don’t trivialize, don’t demonize—which illustrates perfectly the nuanced approach for which he has always been known.
“Attempting to list all of Hubert Sacy’s accomplishments from the 1990s to today would be a truly impossible mission. But we feel obliged to note that, of all Canadians coast to coast, it is Quebecers who are most familiar—by far—with the low-risk drinking guidelines (which they are following in ever-growing numbers), and who have a generally healthier relationship with alcohol. It is not by accident that Éduc’alcool’s slogan, La modération a bien meilleur goût/Moderation is always in good health, has become something of a proverb in Quebec,” said Gagnon.
Contribution recognized by the Deputy Premier of Quebec
Quebec’s Deputy Premier and Minister of Public Security, Geneviève Guilbault, has awarded the Medal of the National Assembly to Hubert Sacy, in recognition of his accomplishments at Éduc’alcool over the last 30 years.
“It is a privilege to present this award to Hubert Sacy. This seasoned communicator has devoted 30 years of his life to improving our relationship with alcohol, using a sensible, informative, prevention-based approach. Thanks to Hubert Sacy and Éduc’alcool, Quebecers are now better equipped to make enlightened decisions about drinking; they are drinking less, and they are drinking better,” said Geneviève Guilbault, Deputy Premier, Minister of Public Security and Minister Responsible for the Capitale-Nationale Region.
A global benchmark
Board Chair Richard Gagnon also mentioned the growing influence of Éduc’alcool, the recognition of its model across Canada and in many other countries, the rigour of its publications on alcohol and health, and the fact that Éduc’alcool has become a benchmark organization in its field, at home and abroad.
He added that the Board of Directors is currently busy finding the right person to ensure a smooth succession and will announce the name of the new Director General when the process is complete.
“I owe Éduc’alcool much more than it owes me”
For his part, Hubert Sacy expressed his profound appreciation to Éduc’alcool, its directors, members, partners and contributors.
“While I worked in the spotlight, there were dozens of people behind the scenes doing at least as much as, if not more than I, to fulfil Éduc’alcool’s mission,” he said, adding: “It is not I who made Éduc’alcool; it is Éduc’alcool that made me. I may well have given the best of myself to the organization, but I owe it infinitely more than it owes me.”